Featured News 2014 Cuban Native Discovers He Has Mistaken Citizenship

Cuban Native Discovers He Has Mistaken Citizenship

Immigration authorities said Thursday that they are reviewing the case of a veteran who fought in the Vietnam War and worked for the Department of Justice's Bureau of Prisons. Allegedly, this individual was given a Social Security Number when he arrived in America as a child. He is now 58-years-old and always thought that he was a U.S. Citizen. He voted consistently.

Recently, this Vietnam veteran applied for a passport to take a cruise with his wife and discovered that authorities did not list him as a citizen or permanent resident. Suddenly, he was thrown into a state of limbo. Unsure if he was a legal citizen or an illegal immigrant, he was put under investigation by the U.S. government.

The Associated Press reports that the individual always assumed that his mother filed immigration papers when she moved here from Cuba. Oftentimes, Cubans who immigrate to America are fast-tracked to U.S. residency because of the communism in their homeland. The USCIS says that they will review this case concerning the Vietnam veteran and his family. They plan to meet with this man and his attorney.

The USCIS explains that when they find errors of this nature, they work diligently to review a case and take steps to correct the error that took place. The USCIS hopes that they will be able to correct errors of this nature in the future.

The veteran argues that he has served this country diligently and has taught his children and grandchildren to be upstanding citizens. He argues that he does not deserve to be punished for his time serving the nation. If you experience a serious issue with your immigration status like this one, you need to hire an immigration attorney at the firm immediately. Don't hesitate to contact a lawyer right away to learn more!

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