Featured News 2019 How to Obtain Dual Citizenship

How to Obtain Dual Citizenship

Dual citizenship is useful for someone who spends extended amounts of time in two countries or if they have family in two countries which they visit often. Obtaining dual citizenship typically happens through birth or naturalization.

Dual Citizenship Through Naturalization

If a person does not have dual citizenship from birth, then they can naturalize in another country to obtain dual citizenship. For this to happen, the laws of the Untied States and the other country need to allow for dual citizens. Some countries require a person to renounce all former citizenships before naturalization. In this case, United States citizens will not be able to obtain dual citizenship.

To start, a person will need to legally enter the foreign country in which they wish to naturalize in. Permanent residency will likely be required for a person to naturalize. Information for how to obtain permanent residency is available at a country's closest embassy or consulate. Once a person lives in a country long enough to become a naturalized citizen, they must apply for naturalization. This step typically requires the help of an immigration lawyer to prepare documents and ensure a smooth process.

Steps needed for naturalization might include:

  • Proof of legal entry
  • A birth certificate
  • The original visa
  • Payments for fees
  • Background checks
  • Interviews
  • Oaths
  • Tests

Dual Citizenship at Birth

Parents who want their children to have dual citizenship can obtain after their child's birth in another country. Parents who can register their child's birth with the closest embassy or consulate of the country that they are a part. In most countries, being born in the country will qualify a person for citizenship. For example, any child that is born in the United States merits birthright citizenship.

Most countries will allow for a transfer of citizenship from the parents to children if they are born abroad. For example, if a baby is born while their American parents were vacationing in Paris, they will be granted American citizenship because of their parents. If a child is born to expat, it's likely that they'll receive dual citizenship if both countries allow it.

Obtaining Dual Citizenship for a Child

After a child is born, parents should take the birth certificate to the nearest embassy or consulate to determine that the child can obtain dual citizenship.

Parents will also need to register the birth abroad by providing the following:

  • Proof of citizenship
  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage licenses

The child's birth certificate will now serve as proof that the child has dual citizenship.

Use Our Directory to Find an Immigration Attorney Today

Those with dual citizenships have the right to travel between both countries as they please. This is particularly beneficial for those who spend a lot of time in two countries. Having dual citizenship eliminates the hassles and restraints of visas. Contact an immigration attorney through our directory today if you have more questions about this process.

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