Featured News 2012 New York Targets Fraud Attempts Against Immigrants

New York Targets Fraud Attempts Against Immigrants

President Obama recently passed legislation that rocked the face of the immigration movement. Now, thousands of young immigrants who were brought to America as children and graduated from college have the right to seek work in the country without any fear of being deported. According to Obama's policy, immigrants that are between the ages 16 and 30, have been in the country for over 5 years, have no criminal history, and either served in the military, graduated from high school, or received a GED requirement have the right to stay in the U.S. on a renewable work permit.

While the young people are not naturalized citizens, they are in a position which allows them to pursue a life in the United States without fear of deportation. The parents of these children are not so lucky, and are still at risk to being sent out of the country if they are undocumented. Obama's reasoning behind the policy is that many upstanding young citizens have been raised in America. He doesn't want to eliminate these valuable and impressive young people form the population simply because they don't have the proper papers.

Most of the children and young adults arrived in America as children, and were brought along by parents who immigrated illegally. The current presidential administration doesn't think it's fair that these young people should be required to suffer because of their parents' choices. Yet despite the joyous news for immigrants, the laws have created some problems. Among the many issues is fraud that has been taking place in New York.

According to Fox News, some people have been trying to foil the immigrants into dangerous situations despite their immunity. Andrew Cuomo, New York's governor, says that he plans to implement community programs in the state and mobilize lawyers to help work through the various fraud cases that have been popping up in courts all over. He also wants to use a multilingual news outreach to let immigrants know about the fraud and make sure that they are aware. According to reports, a lot of the fraud issues have to do with documents which the young immigrants need to stay in America.

In many cases, scammers will offer to get the young people these documents, only to create fraudulent copies of the real thing. Places offering the worker's permits that Obama is allowing these young adults to possess might try to take advantage of them by charging for copies of the real thing. As an immigrant, you should go straight to other government to get your documents instead of using another source. No matter how credible someone claims to be, there is a change that he or she is merely selling you a piece of paper that could get you deported back to your home country.

Andrew Cuomo has a master plan to eliminate immigration fraud in his state. According to Fox, Cuomo wants to set aside approximately $600,000 for legal fees that will aid these immigrants that are cheated by fraudulent document offers. As well, Cuomo wants to revamp the state's immigration hotline to teach immigrants the best way to go about obtaining their documents and filling out the detailed application. Cuomo has been fighting immigration fraud in his state since his days as the Attorney General. At that time, he sparked an investigation that eventually shuttered the American Immigrant Federation. His investigation ended with 50 subpoenas. If you were the victim of immigration fraud, then talk to a lawyer today for help. You will want a convincing and aggressive immigration lawyer on your side to help you through your trial and prove that you have a right to remain in the U.S.

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