Featured News 2013 Are Lawmakers on the Verge of Dropping out of Immigration Reform?

Are Lawmakers on the Verge of Dropping out of Immigration Reform?

According to recent news reports, there is still much dispute regarding the ability of lawmakers (both Republican Democrat) to reach an agreement as they craft their bill dealing with the immigration reform. This bill would address the millions of people who are currently living in the United States illegally. However, it is difficult for these eight lawmakers to draft a bill when they cannot agree on matters involving work visa numbers, border security measures or healthcare provisions for the people. In fact, these disagreements are so big, that some lawmakers are on the verge of wanting to pull out of the legislation altogether.

One House speaker John Boehner claims that he is concerned with the extent of these disputes, and that they are far from being able to reach a conclusion as there are still some big issues that need to be addressed. One of the big disagreements they are stuck on is what triggers there will be regarding border security and adding new legislation and how that works in regards to the currently 11 million unauthorized people here in the country today. Another concern that they cannot come to an agreement over is in regards to foreign workers who come into the country and how many high-tech employees should be allowed in for jobs, as well as the lower income workers.

In regards to immigrant workers, the committee is also having a difficult time reaching an agreement specifically in regards to the work visa program. The technology companies, who are aiming to have the foreign brains come and help expand their companies, are placing extensive amounts of pressure and stress on legislatures to make the hiring of foreign workers an easier process.

Due to the extent of the disagreements, Congressional aides were said to have had one more meeting as a "last ditch effort" in order to resolve their differences and come to an agreement for the drafting of the bill. This group of individuals have been working together for the course of the last four years meeting privately, and they are hoping that this last meeting will allow them to at least draft an outline of the bill. Reports state that the House's various issues were first negotiated in the bipartisan bills and with then go on to the Senate Judiciary Committee for further debate. The draft will not reach he Senate until early June as it is the committee's goal to complete the 900 page draft by the end of this month.

According to Republican john Carter, a member of the House group, he does not believe that the immigration bill will be passed as the voting is majority Republican-controlled House. Reports show that Carter and his Republican have been doing whatever they can to refute the immigration bill from being passed, ever since their presidential candidate Mitt Romney was rejected from receiving the office largely because of the influence of Hispanic voters. Some are suggesting that the bill be separated into parts in order to help them reach an agreement more quickly at least on certain issues, though the Democratic party shares that they are against that idea at this time. More information will be learned over this phase of the bill in the future.

If you are currently an immigrant here in the United States, whether illegal or not, you still have the opportunity to fight for rights in matters of the law. By contacting an experienced immigration attorney in your area you will have the opportunity to address matters of immigration including visas for your fiancé, student or work visas, criminal defense and the like. Please use our website to help you locate a lawyer near you!

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