Featured News 2013 Facebook’s CEO Joins the Fight for Immigration Change

Facebook’s CEO Joins the Fight for Immigration Change

The fight for immigration reform has gone far beyond that of the millions of immigrants who desire the opportunity to remain in the United States. According to reports there are many entrepreneurs in America who are seeking to fight for reform on these peoples behalf's, because they realize the value they bring to our society and how by fighting for reform it can help make our countries economy improve. Among these rich businessmen is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook. He claims that immigrants in America should be a part of our future, and he desires to see this reform happen.

Just this Thursday he announced his support of a newer non-partisan organization called FWD.us; an immigration reform group based out of the Silicon Valley. This organizations mission is to fight for policies in the country that support "knowledge economy", and to bring in leaders in the community who will join this fight—Zuckerberg being one of them. Why the change of heart for this young billionaire? He shares that what led him to want to be a part of this reform is a personal encounter he had with a young middle school boy as he was teaching an after school class on entrepreneurship. This boy should great promise for the future as he was not only talented but a very intelligent individual. What broke his heart was the fact that because he was an undocumented citizen, he might not have the opportunity to attend college because of his immigration stance.

Many immigrants who are considered undocumented have promising futures, and the ability to significantly benefit our own economy, which is why he favors reform. Zuckerberg states that he believes tightening the border control and strengthening the security while at the same time creating a pathway for those immigrants who are wanting citizenship. By doing this, our country will attract the immigrants who are hardworking and talented. According to Zuckerberg, there is a large presence backing the FWD.us organization, particularly those billionaires in the tech world. While not sharing the exact places of the organization, he gives a general overview stating that they plan to interact with both Congress parties as well as others in the administration and state officials. At the same time they will be widely promotion their efforts throughout he country and seeking whatever ways possible to advocate for those immigrants who want to be a part of our future here in American. They claim that with this organization they are going to be doing whatever they can to get people to join them in the fight to promote these immigration policy changes in Washington.

One reporter notes that these leaders in the tech industry do have a little bias for wanting immigration changes to be made, and that is because they want the Silicon Valley to remain at the top of the knowledge economy, and in order to do so that requires having the best of the best. In order to have the best minds out there, this is going to require branching out from outside of America. Not only with the non-partisan organization help pave the way for immigration reform in the country, but they will also seek to make changes for the U.S. as well, particularly in the area of educations and curriculum standards in order to reach new levels in education standards and scientific innovation.

The primary concern that people have with this group is that they are more so tech lobbying for the future minds of America, only those who can contribute educationally rather than focusing on the many other millions of undocumented immigrant workers who just need to work and provide for their loved ones.

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