GOP Seeks Tighter Border Security for Immigration Reform Bill
Posted on Jun 6, 2013 10:14am PDT
The Republican Party, otherwise known as the "Grand Ole Party," is stating that the immigration reform bill will have a difficult time being passed in Congress unless the bill6s includes measures for stricter border security and tougher enforcement on those in violation. This last Wednesday, the GOP placed yet another roadblock in the way of the immigration bill being passed, as they said that the pending legislation needs to more thoroughly address this subject before it can ever have the opportunity of being passed as a law.
According to Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., he does not believe that the bill will have a chance of being passed by the House until it is structured to address this very topic, he explains that at this point there is no hope for it passing through the Senate. Making up the majority of the House Republicans is a "conservative faction" called the Republican Study Committee (RSC) and they claim that unless the changes are made the bill will not pass, because as a group they still are not in favor of the details laid out in the bill.
Two republican party members appeared before the RSC in order to plead with the party members to change their views on the immigration bill, however they remain steadfast in their conviction of tighter border patrol. They have determined that their primary focus in next week's immigration debate within the Senate will be over this very issue. Next week's debate is going to be lengthy as the members of Senate argue over the bill. One of the topics that will be discussed here is over the amendment proposed by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, which would keep any undocumented immigrants from obtaining a permanent status here in the U.S. until the topic of border patrol is given 100% control by the U.S. law enforcement.
Reports show that the GOP's proposal of this amendment reflects a lack of trust in the current border patrol that has been established by the Obama administration. Not only that, but it also suggests that their current ability to enforce strong patrol along the borders at this time is weak or ineffective. Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, claims that at this time there is little trust in the Department of Homeland Security to enforce security at the United States borders right now. Because of this, a number of Republicans argue that until these measures can be addressed and improved, the Congress cannot proceed to take the next steps with immigration reform and allow over 11 million undocumented immigrants to obtain legal status here in the country.
The bill currently supports the allowing the undocumented immigrants to legally remain in the U.S. though due to the GOP having the largest presence in the Senate, there is doubt that the bill will ever be passed into a law unless this major issue of border patrol is addressed first. Flake, though a republican, shares a little more of an optimistic approach to this very subject. He explains that while a large number of the GOP is against the undocumented immigrants obtaining citizenship, this is not the view of all Republicans in the House, in fact he believes that most of them do hope to see some path for citizenship laid out for the people, just after border patrol is addressed.
When the Senate will reach an agreement is still unknown, though there are a number of people fighting to pave the way for immigrants to obtain legal status in the United States. If you are an immigrant in need of legal representation, please use our website to locate a trusted immigration attorney near you!
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