Featured News 2013 Immigration and the 21st Century Economy of America

Immigration and the 21st Century Economy of America

According to the White House blog on immigration, President Barak Obama has high hopes for this country and the economy in regards to immigration reform. His opening statement in summary states that because of country was founded on the principles of freedom and diversity and pursuing our own dreams, than in order to continue our countries future in this way we must keep moving forward. His goal is to "win the future" in regards to making America a better place in many different ways. He states that as a country we need to outdo all other countries in the world with our skills and abilities in order to thrive as a nation, and much of this rests on the immigration system we currently have. One that President Obama is seeking to change.

During the past few years, the President has given much attention to the topic of immigration laws, doing whatever he can to enforce the border patrols as well as to improve the system for immigrants to come through. With his heavy heart for those immigrants who long to enjoy a free nation such as ours, he has been working alongside the Department of Homeland Security in order to devise a plan for which he can accomplish these goals. Their goal for this country is to soon establish an immigration system that is fair for the people who deserve to be here while at the same time buckling down on those who are dangerous to the people.

President Obamas hope for the country with the new immigration reform involves many steps, and though it will be an obstacle to work through, he is committed to see it overcome. This includes holding the federal government more responsible to protect our borders, implanting new strategies and doing whatever it takes to keep the people of our great nation safe. As stated, President Obama's plans for immigration influence the economy and businesses as well. This includes holding businesses accountable for their actions when they chose to break an immigration worker law, allowing undocumented individuals to work with them and then exploiting them for smaller, unreasonable wages.

Immigration reform means utilizing the new system of reform for the greater good of the economy, as well as our competitiveness as a thriving nation in the world. The President sees this as an opportunity to encourage the young people to pursue higher education and then in turn use it to benefit our economy and industries here in the United States. He hopes to see that young people who came to the states illegally with their parents at an early age will no longer be punished and kept form getting an education, hoping that in return they would use it for good here in this country as they remain here. This also includes the farming community and the countless illegal immigrants that are used for work. Obama hopes to create a system that allows the farmers a way to go about hiring these immigrants in a legal manner when workers in the U.S. are no longer available.

Lastly, President Obama wants this reform to encourage those who are already here in the U.S. illegally to take responsibility. In order to establish an effective and cohesive economy and expanding nation the President wants those illegal aliens to be held accountable and make them take the necessary steps in order to be here in a legal way. Whether this means requiring them to learn English, participate in taxes and other steps that are necessary for people who are citizens, etc. In essence his aim is that while this is a country founded off of the principle of freedom, it does not mean that the people don't have a responsibility and he seeks to help pursue that end with illegal immigrants across the board.

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