Immigration’s #1 Enemy is Time
Posted on Aug 30, 2013 1:53pm PDT
According to Politico, immigration reform advocates are getting increasingly worried as the congressional calendar continues to progress without any resolution for the host of immigration issues. Some senior House Republicans have informed news sources that there is a possibility immigration reform will be delayed until 2014. As September nears, congress is becoming more and more concerned with fiscal issues and focusing less on the massive immigration bill released earlier this year.
According to Politico, there is a mid-October debt ceiling deadline, which is changing the House's leadership to pass immigration bills that month. Congress is starting to think that the fiscal concerns are overpowering and overwhelming and that immigration will have to take a back seat for the time being. There are less than 40 congressional workdays left in the year 2013, and senior aides say that it would be difficult to make some of the hard decisions on immigration during that time.
Some say that if immigration reform is moved to 2014, there is a chance that it will not survive and that the bill may be put on the wayside for years. Some say that Congress will need to make significant progress on the bill if they aim to take action. Voice of America reports that if the House of Representatives doesn't embrace a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegals in the country, then there may be a political fallout that could result in a stagnant bill.
Immigration reform advocates recognize this present danger, and have rallied to pressure lawmakers to decide on the bill promptly. Part of the reason for complication is the fact that the House of Representatives is controlled by the GOP at present. Republicans have been encouraged to embrace immigration reform because if the political benefits. When Mitt Romney ran for president, reports claim that he only earned about 30% of this Hispanic vote. This is partially because many Hispanics support immigration and the Democratic Party is verbal about their desire for comprehensive immigration reform.
Despite the fact that immigration seems to be on hold for the time being, there are still many movements and actions taking place at present. For example, immigrants have been storming the border checkpoints in California petitioning for asylum. In other parts of the country, farmers and agricultural workers are advocating for immigration reform for the sake of their crops and their business. A couple recently married on the U.S.- Mexico border to make a bold statement about the devastation of immigration separation and to show why immigration reform needs to come soon.
The Gang of Eight presented their immigration bill to lawmakers months ago. The bill has been revised and edited but the House of Representatives has not approved it yet. The government has inspected the border patrol stipulations in the law as well as the requirements for immigrants, the pathway to citizenship model, the costs of reform, and the jobs that it would open up. The Senate's immigration bill would allegedly add nearly 14,000 new jobs to each congressional district over the next decade, according to the American Action Network.
Immigration reform also calls for better monitoring of those that enter the country on visas, and a plan to keep immigrant families together. If you want to learn more about immigration policies, or if you are an immigrant that is facing difficulties with the ICE at present, then you need an attorney on your side. With the right lawyer there to help you, you may be able to deal with your case in an effective manner. Hire a local firm today for more information!
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