Featured News 2013 Possible Immigration Compromise Unfolding in Senate

Possible Immigration Compromise Unfolding in Senate

A new immigration reform plan is currently undergoing revision and review in Congress. This new bill, if passed, would grant millions of undocumented citizen’s almost immediate provisional status and give them the pathway to naturalization that they dream of. The plan was created by eight senators and has been under scrutiny in recent months as politicians, lawmakers, and the public give their opinions on the plan. According to CNN, the new plan would remove all legal uncertainty for America’s 11 million illegal immigrants. At the same time, the plan will strengthen border controls so that more illegal immigrants willing to come rushing into the country in hopes of an easier path to citizenship.

The senators working on the bill also want to improve the monitoring of visitors, because many illegal immigrants enter the country this way. They come into America on a visitor’s visa saying that they are coming to see friends and family. Once inside the United States, they have a tendency to stay hidden and remain until the government stops looking for them. The new plan would make it so that this would not happen. As well, the government wants to crack down on the hiring of undocumented workers. If less illegal immigrants were able to find jobs in the United States, it would discourage them from coming to the nation to make a new life for themselves.

According to the new proposal, once the government began making an effort to enforce stricter rules and punishments for those who violate the illegal immigration laws, then those who are already in the United States would be able to obtain permanent residence in the United States. While they would all be issues green cards to being with, the immigrants would eventually be allowed citizenship in the United States. According to Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, the new immigration plan makes it so that immigrants are no longer able to be deported. Under the new laws they could not be harassed or arrested for being an illegal alien. Only men and women who are convicted of a crime could be deported back to their country of origin.

The new plan also allows these immigrants a pathway to get jobs in California. The immigration bill is an interesting new development because it has seen the stamp of approval from a variety of Republicans and Democrats. According to CNN, the Republicans’ defeat in the 2012 may have been in part because of their stance on immigration. Most Latino voters favored the Obama Administration because of the Democratic support of immigration reforms. Senator McCain from the republican party has admitted that the Republican Party is losing the support of Hispanic citizens and that immigration is the main reason for this issue. He declared in a press conference that there is no way that the nation can continue to operate with about 11 million residents hiding in the shadows because of their lack of documentation.

While many politicians are excited about the new immigration proposals, there are naturally opposing parties who are not as certain that they want to allow 11 million people immediate release from the possibility of arrest and deportation. Some conservatives claim that the move would cost taxpayers millions of dollars and will compound the issues of immigration. Others worry that allowing immigrants to become citizens would encourage more and more immigrants to flood the United States. With the guarantee of citizenship, it will be hard to hold back illegals from rushing the borders or inventing creative ways to enter the country. If you want more information about this pending immigration policy or want an update on immigration law in the United States, an immigration attorney can help you. Contact a local immigration lawyer today for more information!

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