Featured News 2014 Immigration Reform Is Stagnant but Immigrants Are Not

Immigration Reform Is Stagnant but Immigrants Are Not

Thousands of migrants are arriving at the U.S. each month and reminding everyone that while immigration reform is stagnant in Congress, the immigrants coming from all over the world are very much real and active. The Wire, a political news source, refers to immigration reform as "the surge." This year alone, officials expect to apprehend 60,000 children at the border.

The surge in immigration is partially due to a desire to reunite with family members in the U.S. Many immigrants have fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, and siblings that are in the United States. They are desperate to see their loved ones again, which is why they choose to initiate a border crossing, even an illegal one, to get into America. As well, there are lenient government policies which give some children hope of remaining in the USA.

Immigrants who can make it across the border hope that an over-arching immigration reform in the future will secure their position in the country. As well, there is growing violence and instability in Central America, which is pushing families to the U.S. border out of fear for their lives. Many of these immigrants seek asylum in the United States because of the violence and danger in their home countries.

The Wall Street Journal reports that border agencies have ramped up the number of officials in the field but have also argued that the sheer number of immigrants is more than they can handle. Vice President Joe Biden plans to meet with officials in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to discuss the immigration problem and the surge of child migrants coming to the U.S.

If you want more information about border patrol or are experiencing difficulty with an immigration situation, don't hesitate to call a team of local immigration attorneys to help you! Call the firm today for more information!

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