Featured News 2014 Immigration Reform Isn’t Dead

Immigration Reform Isn’t Dead

Last year, immigration reform was all the hype with the Gang of Eight delivering a comprehensive bill which was eventually stalled. The immigration push seemed to dwindle. While there are still passionate advocates that are hoping for immigration reform, many people suspect that the government is no longer motivated to deal with this very important issue. Yet according to a recent article in The Washington Post, immigration reform is not yet dead. Many politicians are reassuring immigrants by telling them that change is going to come very soon.

The President says that he may move unilaterally to alter deportation rules, though he has not taken proactive steps in this direction. If he plans to do this, then the House of Representatives will have the incentive to pass a bill on enforcement that will provide additional resources for border enforcement and visa overstay detections.

The Washington Post argues that the Democrats have motivation to push immigration reform because they need to make good on their promise to Hispanic voters. Senator Charles Schumer predicted on Monday that immigration reform could even be passed this summer. This New York Democrat announced that he wants to pass the immigration bill and sign it into law this year during the 12th Daily News/CUNY Citizenship NOW! immigration call-in. According to Schumer, there will be a bill in the near future, even if it is not the comprehensive bill that is currently shelved in the House of Representatives.

The Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has also announced that keeping families together in the United States is critical and that immigration enforcement changes will be announced soon. If you want more information about immigration reform, don't hesitate to contact a local immigration lawyer right away. If you are currently facing immigration complications, a professional attorney may be able to advise you as to how to handle your issues in regards to pending laws. Use this directory to locate a reliable lawyer today!

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