Featured News 2014 Types of Visas

Types of Visas

When seeking to live for any period of time in the United States, a visa is required. A visa is a legal document that allows the person to travel to the United States and to gain admission to the country. A visa will show why they intend to visit the United States, how long they seek to remain, and a place they have to return to once they leave the country. If the visa is approved, the applicant is able to remain in the United States under the details of their specific visa type.

Knowing Visa Types Can Ease Application Process

There are many reasons that people choose to come to the United States, and there are many visa types that correspond with these reasons. For example, those that seek to study at an American college can apply for a student visa which keeps them in the country for the length of their study before they must return to their country of origin. With all of the different options available, it may be confusing to figure out what visa is needed. Knowing what category of visa best fits can help narrow down the options.

The three types of visas available include:

  • Immigrant visas for those that want to permanently live and work in the United States.
  • Nonimmigrant visas for those living, working, or visiting the country temporarily.
  • Dual-intent visas which allow for a combination of the other two, allowing a person to remain an immigrant but live and work in the United States as a non-immigrant.

Knowing what type of visa to apply for can help a prospective applicant know what to prepare for in the process. Not only that, but it gives them the best possible chance for having their visa accepted.

If you or a loved one are seeking information about bringing a family member to the United States or are wondering about how you can extend your stay in the United States, don't hesitate to contact an immigration attorney in the United States. Immigration is tricky and can have serious consequences if not properly executed, and a lawyer can help ensure the process goes off smoothly.

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