Featured News 2014 White House Requests Delay in DOD Immigration Plan

White House Requests Delay in DOD Immigration Plan

The Department of Defense has created an immigration plan which would allow some immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally as children to obtain a limited path to citizenship. In order to do this, the illegal immigrants are required to serve in the U.S. military.

The carefully drawn proposal was backed by immigration advocates, but the White House is requesting that the DOD refrain from putting it into action until at least August. This is because the House Republicans are still being pressed to act on legislation that will promote an immigration overhaul. This is their "summer project" and the White House hopes to have a decision by August on the matter.

The White House officials say that they don't want to take executive branch actions that would anger republicans (such as the DOD immigration plan) in hopes of motivating them to make a decision on the massive overhaul.

If the DOD's plan is implemented, it will allow immigrants who arrived illegal as children relief from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The immigrants must already have a work permit to be eligible. The Pentagon says that the new legislation would allow immigrants to perform military service if they meet criteria under the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest This allows military service by non-citizens who have language or medical skills. The proposal would probably only affect a small number of people, as many illegal immigrants don't have the language or medical talents that they are looking for.

If you are interested in learning more about this proposal or if you are facing difficulty with your immigration status and are looking for assistance, don't hesitate to contact a trustworthy, local immigration lawyer to help you. This directory can guide you to a trustworthy attorney near you so don't hesitate to call today!

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