Featured News 2015 Immigration Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking

Immigration Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in the United States, people are being bought, sold, and smuggled as modern-day slaves. The victims of human trafficking are trapped in lives of misery, and they can be children or adults.

They are often drugged, beaten, starved, and forced to work as prostitutes or work grueling jobs as factory workers or domestic servants with little or no pay. The FBI is aware of the problem and is working hard to stop human trafficking, not only because of its inhumane practices, but because it facilitates illegal immigration across America's borders.

Offering Protection to Victims

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) helps protect men, women and children who are the victims of human trafficking. It does this by providing immigration relief.

Human trafficking, a form of modern-day slavery, occurs when traffickers lure innocent victims with false promises of employment and a better life in America. It also occurs when victims are kidnapped off the streets and smuggled into other countries, such as the U.S.

The two types of immigration relief, include:

  • T nonimmigrant status (T Visa). The T visa provides immigration protection to human trafficking victims. It allows them to stay in the United States and assist law enforcement in the investigation and prosecution of the human trafficking scheme.
  • U nonimmigrant status (U Visa). U nonimmigrant status provides protection for victims who have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse. Under the U visa, the victim can remain in the U.S. and assist law enforcement in the investigation of criminal activities.

In human trafficking cases, law enforcement and judges play a critical role in immigration relief for human trafficking victims. Through immigration relief, victims are encouraged to report the crimes and work with life enforcement to help eliminate human trafficking.

Do you have further questions about immigration and human trafficking? If so, contact an immigration attorney for the help that you need and deserve.

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