Featured News 2015 Pope Francis Urges Congress to Embrace Immigrants

Pope Francis Urges Congress to Embrace Immigrants

Travelling to the U.S. for the first time, the pope pleaded with the American people to welcome immigrants with open arms. On Sep. 24, addressing a joint meeting of Congress, Pope Francis asked Americans to embrace immigrants from Latin America and countries around the world. Francis said that our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude that we haven't seen since the Second World War, including the thousands of people who have traveled north in search of a better life for themselves and their families.

During a 45-minute speech, the pope said that we must not be taken aback by their numbers, but rather view them as people, listen to their stories, and try to respond to them in the best way that we can.

The Argentine pope's immigration plea came during a time of fierce debate in America over illegal immigration, fueled in part by Donald Trump's campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. During his speech, the pope said to let us remember the Golden Rule, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Pope's Message Anticipated by Immigrant Advocates

The pope's message was well-received by immigrants and immigrant-rights groups alike, who were eagerly anticipating the pope's speech on his immigration views. Still, lawmakers doubt that the pope's words are likely to change the debate.

Rep. Michael Burgess, a Texas Republican pointed out how the U.S. is taking in more people every year illegally than the rest of the world combined. He wants to know what the right number is, and he asked if other countries would act accordingly.

While the Vatican welcomes millions of visitors every year, it only allows a select few who are able to meet strict criteria to be admitted as residents or citizens, drawing some criticism about its strict requirements.

Do you need legal advice regarding an immigration matter? If so, scroll through our directory to locate an immigration attorney near you!

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