Featured News 2013 Poll Reveals that the Public Supports Immigration Reform

Poll Reveals that the Public Supports Immigration Reform

According to the media, it may look as through Democrats are all for immigration reform while Republicans oppose a path to citizenship for the men and women who are currently residing in the country illegally. Yet despite these common beliefs, the truth shows that one can easily forget that the media does not necessarily portray the opinions of the people. In fact, a Pew Research Center poll on immigration shows that most of the public believe that that immigration is a wise choice.

Pew says that the poll declares more than 7 in 10 of all Democrats support the current possibility of immigration reform. As well, nearly two-thirds or 64% of all independents support immigration measures. Despite the fact that Republicans are often publicized as being against immigration reform, the Pew Research Center poll shows that about 53% of all Republicans believe that immigration reform is a good idea.

When it comes to religions, most are supportive of reform as well. Hispanic Catholics support immigration reform heavily, with 74% saying that they support the measures. 71% of all Hispanic Protestants also support immigration reform, and 70% of black Protestants. As well, 67% of all Jewish Americans say that they believe immigration reform is a good idea, and 63% of all Mormons.

When polled, 62% of all white Catholics supported reform, and 61% of all white mainline Protestants. 56% of all evangelical Protestants also supported the measures, which would mean that the majority in all of these groups believe that it is a good idea. All of these agreeing men or women stated that they believe that the immigration system should allow immigrants that are currently living in the U.S. illegally to become citizens of the United States if they can meet certain requirements.

Despite the popular opinion that immigration reform is a good idea, there are some anti-immigration advocates who are trying to make their voices heard. Despite their efforts, the anti-immigration parties seem to be losing. Pew Research shows that more than 6 in every 10 Americans favor allowing illegal immigrants that were brought to the United States as children to gain resident legal status if they want to join the military or go to college. This is a policy that was first suggested in the DREAM act, and it has gained a significant amount of supporters since that time. One-third of all Americans oppose this DREAM Act-type policy, but this is now the minority which means that anti-immigration parties may not be successful in making their voices heard.

Most likely, it is the same one-third of all Americans that don't support the DREAM Act that have also supported the self-deportation method of immigration reform. This is a suggested reform practice that would make it so difficult for immigrants that they would eventually return to their home country. Essentially, self-deportation would bar immigrants from obtaining jobs, homes, or being involved in any American activities. Without the means to sustain a living, advocates believe that the immigrants would migrate back to their homelands. While 34% of all Americans support this policy, 64% disagree with it. The Pew Research Poll also looked at how the public views wages and the impact on immigration.

Nearly two-thirds of all Americans a free that immigrants coming into this country today take jobs that Americans don't want, but about 56% of all Americans also saw that illegal immigrants can hurt the economy and drive down wages for citizens. If you are currently an illegal immigrant and are trying to work through a deportation trial or need assistance in your case as you apply for a visa, then you need to talk to an immigration attorney near you today. With the help of a professional, you just might be able to prove that you are innocent of the offenses that you have been charged with. Use this directory to find an immigration attorney near you today!

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