Featured News 2014 Facing Deportation?

Facing Deportation?

If you are facing deportation, there are some defenses available to prevent you from having to leave the country. At your hearing, the judge will ask you to confess to or deny any allegations against you. You typically should deny the allegations and contest the removal charges that you are facing. This is because as long as you don't agree with your charges, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be responsible for presenting enough evidence to prove that you actually are removable from the country.

There is a good chance that you are removable if you are undocumented, but it's still possible that DHS has charged you with being removable for the wrong reasons. DHS also may not be able to present the documents that show you are removable. In this scenario, you can ask the judge to close the case. Even if DHS meets the requirements and it is determined that you are removable, you can still apply for relief from removal.

During your hearings, never lie to the judge, because that could increase your chances of being removed. While it is important to not lie, you may also have information that could end up hurting your case, which is why it is beneficial to consult an attorney about what you should or should not share.

There are other types of relief from removal that may be available to undocumented immigrants. This may include adjustment of status, meaning the change from nonimmigrant to immigrant status in order to get legal status in the U.S. Another way is through asylum, meaning that you are fleeing persecution from your home country and are coming to the U.S. for protection.

Get Help from an Immigration Attorney!

There are other ways that you can go about not having to leave the country, and it is helpful to work with an immigration attorney to come up with the course of action that will be most suitable for you. If you or a loved one is facing removal from the country, contact an immigration attorney immediately to see what they may be able to do for you!

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